Will Writing
Single & Mirror Wills
Single & Mirror Wills
Don't lose your voice!
Safeguard your inheritance
Protect your estate
Save by paying today's prices
PROBATE, I.H.T., FUNERAL COSTS – Without planning, your family may be liable to pay considerable probate fees, ever increasing funeral costs and unnecessary tax (40%) on their inheritance.
SIDEWAYS – DISINHERITANCE – Without planning, your children could miss out on their inheritance!
LONG-TERM CARE – Without planning your assets could end up being taken by the local Authority and sold to fund your care fees of your partner.
Having a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA)...in place should be as common
and natural as making a Will.
Jack Straw - Lord Chancellor & Secretary of State for Justice (2007–2010)
The Probate Fee... ...is usually calculated as between 1% to 5% of
the value of the estate, plus VAT.
The Money Advice service
Will trusts... ...ring fence assets against potential fees
should you or your partner go into long-term care.
We specialise in preparing Wills, LPA’s and Trusts to protect and distribute your assets/estate according to your wishes and avoid erosion by the impact of fees such as probate. We aim to assist you at your convenience!
We have a team of estate planning specialists supported by a legal panel of solicitors specialising in estate planning for the production of your legal documents, who visit you to take your instruction in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you.
Your convenience is the key. Rather than take time off work to visit a solicitor, often difficult for couples when both are working, one of our profession estate planning consultants will visit you at a time and on day that suits you.