Assured & Legal Southampton | Wills, Trusts, Lasting Powers of Attorney and Estate Planning

Will Writing

Single & Mirror Wills

Powers of Attorney

Don't lose your voice!


Safeguard your inheritance

Asset Protection

Protect your estate

Funeral Planning

Save by paying today's prices

Our services

Your local Assured & Legal Consultants are available to visit you at your convenience, alleviating the need to take time off work to visit your local high street solicitor. Specialising in Will Writing to ensure your estate is protected and distributed as per your wishes, your consultant can advise on;
  • Asset Trusts
  • Inheritance Tax Issues
  • Probate quote beating service
A Will essentially comes into effect on death and protects and/or distributes assets from that point forward. Your estate can been considerably eroded prior to that point in time by care costs, probate costs and funeral expenses but previous planning can help avoid the negative impact of end of life costs. Your consultant can review your situation and recommend suitable actions that can be taken to reduce these costs if appropriate to you.
All our legal documentation is prepared by our solicitors and legal team and fully insured but convenience for the client is one of the two key reasons why people use Assured Wills - Southampton. Wherever possible we will fit in with you rather than you have to reorganise your time and/or take time off work during the working week. Our consultants are available 6 days a week and appointments can be arranged for evenings if required.

Call now on 01794 501 036 to check availability to suit you!

Planning to protect!

PROBATE, I.H.T., FUNERAL COSTS – Without planning, your family may be liable to pay considerable probate fees, ever increasing funeral costs and unnecessary tax (40%) on their inheritance.
SIDEWAYS – DISINHERITANCE – Without planning, your children could miss out on their inheritance!
LONG-TERM CARE – Without planning your assets could end up being taken by the local Authority and sold to fund your care fees of your partner.

Protecting your assets


Document Storage


IHT & Care Planning


What we do

We specialise in preparing Wills, LPA’s and Trusts to protect and distribute your assets/estate according to your wishes and avoid erosion by the impact of fees such as probate. We aim to assist you at your convenience!

How we do it

We have a team of estate planning specialists supported by a legal panel of solicitors specialising in estate planning for the production of your legal documents, who visit you to take your instruction in the comfort of your own home at a time to suit you.

Why choose us

Your convenience is the key. Rather than take time off work to visit a solicitor, often difficult for couples when both are working, one of our profession estate planning consultants will visit you at a time and on day that suits you.

Protecting your estate for the love of your family

Assured and Legal